YEAR OF PRAYER - Forgiveness & Reconciliation

March Prayer Intention - our focus for March is ‘Forgiveness and Reconciliation’.R1t 

This theme has been chosen as we begin Lent on Wednesday and we hope to have a renewed parish focus on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Click here.   

Not been to Confession for years?  Feeling anxious about it? Forgotten what to do/say?

You’re not alone! This is much more common than you may think and many people haven’t been for decades but maybe it’s time to put this behind you. We invite everyone to return to the Sacrament and receive God’s mercy and forgiveness this Lent. 


Decided for yourself that you don’t need to confess to a priest?

Perhaps you can’t remember what the Church teaches about this Sacrament and would like to know more before making a decision? Help and support are available. The simplest way is to talk to one of our priests and we have also put together a section on our website to help you. In this section you will find a ‘How to’ guide, an explanation of the Sacrament and a number of helpful videos and testimonies.


Confession for children

It is quite common that children make their First Reconciliation and then are not brought again for months or even years.  If you would like to offer your child the opportunity to come to Confession but either you or they fear that they cannot remember what they were taught or what to do - please do not worry.  This is very common and our priests will support and guide any child that comes to Confession. We have also put a short and encouraging video on our website that is aimed specifically at children to remind them of what they were taught and what to do. Why not watch it together and come together?  For children in St Osmund’s School there is a Reconciliation Service (with an opportunity for individual confession) planned for 11 March. It may be helpful to your child to watch this video with them before thenClick here.


Opportunities for Confession

The ‘standard’ times are listed each week on the front page of this newsletter but our priests are available at other times and are happy to hear Confessions whenever they are free. Please ring or speak to one of our priests.


Reconciliation Service with Bishop Declan at 7pm on 21 March in St Osmund’s. There will be a number of priests available for individual confessions. Please put the date in your diary.


Please pray for everyone who may be nervous about returning to this Sacrament that the Holy Spirit will guide them towards God’s abundant and merciful grace.


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