A single Catholic man who wants to be a disciple of Christ, who lives a Christian way of life and who works fruitfully may well be called to the priesthood. He doesn’t have to be a hero nor does he have to feel completely at ease with the idea of being a priest. He must simply believe that God calls people like him to be priests and open his heart to the Holy Spirit.
When a man presents himself for formation, following various assessments and interviews, he is sent to a special house of formation (seminary). During his time he enters a period of discernment and formation in four areas as established by Pope St. John Paul II in the Apostolic Exhortation 'Pastores Dabo Vobis'. The areas of formation include the Human (knowing ourselves and our human identity), Spiritual (knowing who we are in the sight of God and what He asks of us), Academic (forming a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Faith) and Pastoral (bringing all these things together and putting them into practice in the real world).
We are blessed by those called to train for the priesthood who provide the future of our church
Those who decide to train for the priesthood have made a commitment to their faith. Without their dedication and sacrifice our community would be all the poorer.
The Clergy Training Fund invests in men who have answered the call to serve the people of God. Priests are called to live simple lives but high-quality training comes at a price.
When a man presents himself for formation, following various assessments and interviews, he is sent to a special house of formation (seminary). During his time he enters a period of discernment and formation in four areas as established by Pope St. John Paul II in the Apostolic Exhortation 'Pastores Dabo Vobis'. The areas of formation include the Human (knowing ourselves and our human identity), Spiritual (knowing who we are in the sight of God and what He asks of us), Academic (forming a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Faith) and Pastoral (bringing all these things together and putting them into practice in the real world).
We are blessed by those called to train for the priesthood who provide the future of our church
Those who decide to train for the priesthood have made a commitment to their faith. Without their dedication and sacrifice our community would be all the poorer.
The Clergy Training Fund invests in men who have answered the call to serve the people of God. Priests are called to live simple lives but high-quality training comes at a price.