Rite of Election 2024

On the first Saturday of Lent, at the start of every Lent, our diocesan family gathers together at Clifton Cathedral to celebrate the Rite of Election, where those who are journeying towards becoming part of our Catholic community are presented to Bishop Declan. Here, family and friends, sponsors and godparents, join with those preparing for Baptism (catechumens) and those preparing to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church (candidates). There are two important elements to this Rite - a sending and a receiving.
We, the parish, ‘send’ those planning to join our Church at Easter. This is our public pronouncement that they are ready to enter a covenant relationship through participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Those who are ‘sent’ can then be received: the Bishop accepts the parish community’s judgement, receives them and invites them to enter their names in the Book of the Elect. This year, we were delighted to ‘send’ Andre Pereira to Clifton Cathedral. Please find some photos below.