This Easter, we will be welcoming seven adults into full communion with the church across the pastoral area of St Edith. Three of them were able to attend the Rite of Election at Clifton Cathedral on Saturday 8th March along with friends, family and sponsors. It is a wonderfully joyful service when we as the Faithful recognise that God has called them to his church and that they are ready to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). This Rite is the second step in the Rites of Christian Initiation, when they make a firm intention of continuing conversion. There were over 400 people at the Cathedral and there are more than 130 adults from Clifton diocese being received at the Easter Vigil this year; which is about 30% up on previous years. Please keep the Elect, Sandy, Tom, Isabelle, Angela, Jody, Selina and Josh, in your prayers.

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