Our Deanery Confirmation programme will begin on Tuesday 9 October, to prepare candidates for their Confirmation  in 2019. The programme will run from this October through to next May and attendance of candidates and also parents (for certain sessions) is required.  To be eligible for the programme candidates should be in school Year 9 or above.  To join this formation programme to prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, please collect and complete an application form, and return to the parish office.  Forms are available in all our churches or can be downloaded from our website: 
A copy of each candidate’s baptism certificate will be required if the candidate was baptised outside of our Salisbury Deanery parishes.  
If you are considering joining the programme but would like to know more about the Sacrament of Confirmation, we have a great section on our website that has articles and videos to watch - take a look:
Parents and potential candidates are also very welcome to contact our Project 99 team who lead the programme: [email protected] or ring 07904 589360 

