Poets Gospel

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) have partnered with John Alan Davis, the writer of The Poet’s Gospel (a Gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables), to create a 6 week Lent Study.

This gospel version, written in verse, is the outcome of a deep engagement with God in Christ. To listen to the sound files of this gospel being read out loud is to be taken onto a journey with someone who has clearly walked and experienced all of life’s contours.


Final Instructions

Week 6 Holy Week: Crucifixion and Resurrection

Week 6 Holy Week: Trial

Week 6 Holy Week: 'Prophesy'

‘Week 4: 'Whom to love’

Week 2: Non-Conformity

Week 6 Holy Week: Sentence

Week 6 Holy Week: Arrest

Week 5: 'Lazurus Lives'

Week 3: Recruitment

Week 1: History