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Parishioners continued to be very generous in making their offerings throughout the Covid pandemic, despite some still being shielding and not able to visit our churches.  That is very much appreciated, given that our parish’s outgoings for the most part continue unabated, whether or not we are attending Mass.  The methods currently available for making donations are:

Donations by monthly standing order

This is the most popular method of making regular donations.  It is convenient both for you to give and for us to receive, and to administer the Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer.  If you wish to know more about donating in this way, please contact Robert Vaux by email on [email protected].

Contactless Payment Devices

We have two “Digital Collection Plates” in action, one for Sacred Heart Church and one for Wardour Chapel.  These provide for card and mobile ‘phone contactless payments, allowing the donor to select the amount and the destination of the donation.  They provide a means for donors to set up Gift Aid, such that all future payments using the same card will, where appropriate, be subject to Gift Aid.  The service is the one recommended by Clifton Diocese, and is provided by Dona.

One-off Donations

If you would like to make an ad hoc donation or simply prefer to donate by debit/credit card, please click on the item in the panel below.  This service is also provided by Dona, and has been recommended by Clifton Diocese.  Once you click the item in the panel, you will be able to choose the amount, and have the option of adding Gift Aid: if you are a UK taxpayer, do please Gift Aid your donation.  

Alternatively, if you wish to make a donation direct to the Parish account, please ask Robert Vaux for details.


Donations by cheque

Cheques should be made payable to Sacred Heart Tisbury, and sent by post to Trellis House, Station Road, Tisbury, SP3 6JR.  Please mark the envelope “FAO RPCV”.  Please do not send cash through the post or deliver it to Trellis House.

Donations by Weekly Envelope and in the Offertory Basket

An offertory basket is placed at the back of the church at each Mass. 

Donations to Special Collections

Details of special “second” collections are published in the Newsletter.  A second basket will be placed at the back of the church at each Mass for this.  The Digital Collection Plates in Church provides a means of selecting the second collection for the donation, with Gift Aid in place for those who have already registered for it, for those second collection funds where this is allowed.  For the convenience of those not able to attend Mass in person, the My Dona panel (above) also provides a means of selecting the second collection for a donation when available.