Returning Catholics – You Are Welcome – We have Missed You


Making that First Move

Taking those initial steps can be the most daunting and you may feel alone. Coming back to the Church is not a journey we take on our own, the Lord walks with you guiding every step you take.


It really does not matter how long you have been away from the Church or the reasons behind why you stopped practising your faith. Here in the Churches of Salisbury (as with any Catholic Church) there is a very warm welcome awaiting your return.

Why Come Back to the Church?

Here are a few reasons to help you think about coming back to Church.


In the modern world with our busy lives, gadgets, social media etc – there is little time for contemplation and as a result, we find it difficult to find both a meaning and purpose in our lives. In the face of this world with all its distractions, it is Jesus Christ that provides both a meaning of why we are here and a purpose.


We carry a lot of baggage in our lives. We are all sinners, and this can be a burden. We may not feel able to forgive other people or we may be angry with God for events that may have happened in our lives. It is through the practice of our Faith and by being open to Jesus Christ that you can find comfort, healing and peace.


The Catholic Church is a community united in Jesus Christ. It is more than the Church buildings. All Catholics offer up to God whatever is going on in our lives – the happiness and the sadness. As a community we receive God’s help and support to live our lives.

The Eucharist

This is the best reason for coming back to the Church and practising your Faith. Every time we celebrate the Mass, Jesus is made present and we are given the opportunity of receiving Him in Holy Communion. Receiving Jesus Christ satisfies our hunger and helps us find Him in all areas of our lives.  

How Do I Come Back to the Church?

Remember, it is never too late to start again.  Here are a few suggestions to help you come back to the Church.  Take them in your own time and at your own pace.



You may feel that you can do this with God’s help, or you may need advice and guidance. We are there to welcome you and to offer practical help in your journey. Please contact our Priests, Deacons, or Caroline Williams. Details can be found by clicking here. We will be there for you.  


If you are thinking of coming back to the Church, maybe the Holy Spirit is trying to say something to you. Talk to God, ask Him to help you in your life, ask Him to help you in your faith. 

Visit the Church

St Osmund’s Church in Exeter Street is open all day, every day. Why not pop in and spend a few minutes with the Lord who is present in the Tabernacle.  There is a certain peace in just sitting quietly in His presence.

Our other Church: St Gregory’s is  only open during services but here too you are more than welcome to sit. 

Come to Mass

Mass is celebrated at St Osmund’s on a Sunday at 09:00, 11:00, 12:30  and 18:00, and at St Gregory’s at 09:00 we also have a Vigil Mass at St Gregory on a Saturday evening at 18:00.

 One of the best ways of returning to the Church is to just start by coming to Sunday Mass. Through the Mass we gather as a community to worship God together. You may not be ready to receive Holy Communion yet, but you can come up for a blessing until you are ready – you can indicate this by placing your arms across your chest.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

The Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Confession, is a moment of healing and we need it before we are able to receive Holy Communion again. There is nothing to fear about this Sacrament. If you are worried or nervous in taking this step please speak to one of our Priests, Deacons or Outreach Worker, they will put your mind at rest.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to all at:

St Gregory: Fridays after the 10am Mass & Saturdays 17:30 until Mass.

St Osmund: On the first Saturday of the month from 9am to 12 noon, and on other Saturdays after the 10am Mass 

Also, on request, please contact one of our Priests.        

Receive Holy Communion

Once you have been to Confession and there are no constraints, you can now fully participate in the Mass by receiving Holy Communion.  You now have a new start with God and His Church, keep praying for the grace to remain faithful.


As said earlier above: help, guidance and advice are always available please talk to our Priests, Deacons or Caroline Williams.  Details can be found by clicking here.