World Mission Sunday – the one day in the year when the entire global Church comes together in support of mission – will happen next Sunday 22 October 2023. Coordinated by Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, this is an opportunity to support every mission diocese and faith community which need their help. There will be a retiring collection next weekend. Envelopes will be available in our churches this weekend for those who wish to ‘Gift Aid’ their donation.
Setting hearts ablaze in Kenya
Sister Mary
Kibera is the biggest urban ‘slum’ in Kenya. In fact, it is the biggest in Africa. Rife with all the problems poverty brings – malnourishment, addiction, abuse – it is easy to see Kibera as a place of despair. But missionary Sister Mary meets the challenges of life in Kibera with faith and friendship.
‘Our charism is “be one with the people”, “go where people are”,’ says Sr Mary. ‘It’s from St Paul, but our foundress, Sister Magdalene, also took it from St Charles de Foucauld: to be there with them from the grassroots, discover what is happening, and together learn what to do.’
That is why Sr Mary and her fellow Little Sisters of Jesus choose to live in the heart of Kibera, alongside the people they serve. That way, she can better understand the daily challenges, and reach all who are in need.
Among the many people Sr Mary works alongside is Linet, who courageously lives out her faith by rescuing and fostering children who are at risk from harm. Linet sometimes faces real danger to rescue the children who have been abandoned, orphaned, or trafficked.