Canon Michael’s Golden Jubilee - update

As we know from Canon Michael’s ruby jubilee ten years ago, none of our buildings are big enough to hold an event this large. Following our appeal last year, we are now absolutely thrilled to be able to announce that the Mass and reception in celebration of Fr Michael’s Fifty Years of Priesthood will be held in Salisbury Cathedral.  The Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral have very kindly allowed us to hold our event there and the costs we will now incur for this celebration will therefore be kept to an absolute minimum - necessary safety stewards, sound engineer, vergers, catering etc. 


We are very grateful to Salisbury Cathedral for this very generous gesture of friendship to Fr Michael and to all of the Catholic community in Salisbury.  Given the size of Salisbury Cathedral we are now in a position to invite former parishioners and friends and so if you know anyone that would like to celebrate this event with us, do please pass on the details of the event and welcome them warmly. We would also like to acknowledge and thank Chafyn Grove School who also offered their facilities for us to use. 

Do remember to put the date and details in your diary: 7pm Mass in Salisbury Cathedral on 7th June 2019 - Bishop Declan and Bishop Crispian Hollis will both be attending along with other clergy and parishioners from around the Clifton Diocese.


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