Fr Michael’s Golden Jubilee...

A Mass in Celebration and thanksgiving for 50 years of priestly ministry will take place in Salisbury Cathedral on Friday 7 June at 7pm to which we hope EVERYONE will be coming.  Please put the date in your diary. 

 It’s time to get organised!! We will be hosting a reception in the Cloisters and Bernie Presley is co-ordinating the catering for this event.  It will be a cold finger-food buffet and we are hoping for many contributions of food and assistance with setting out/clearing away etc.  Please contact Bernie on 07876 773525 or 01722 417076 or email  [email protected] if you can help in any way.  

 Music - we will also be forming a combined choir from all of our churches and rehearsals will be organised after Easter.  If you would like to join, please contact Caroline 502503 [email protected]  


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