GDPR - Send in your consent to keep receiving the newsletter and other emails!


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on Friday (25 May). We now have to receive explicit written consent from you to store and use your information.  All those who normally receive the newsletter (and other announcements) by email will now cease to receive them unless we have received your consent.  So - if next weekend you do NOT receive emails that you are expecting, please email Caroline on [email protected] so that we can ensure we have the correct consent from you.   Thank you for your patience with this and to everyone who has sent in their consent already (nearly 200 of you!).  If you would like to read more about how we use and store your data, our Privacy Policy is available on the website or if you do not have access to the internet, we can supply a printed copy for you to view. Contact Caroline on 502503. 


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