Holy Redeemer notices for 13 July

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

• There is a retiring collection this evening for the Apostleship of the Sea.
• The ‘Bring and share’ garden lunch is on Sunday 28 July. If you would like to come, please put your name on the list at the back of the church. Further details are in the newsletter.
• There is also a list for anyone planning to go to Fr Thomas Atthill’s jubilee celebrations on Wednesday 21 August at 6.30pm. The list is to help with plans for possible coach hire.
• Please note that there is a change to the time of Mass here next Wednesday. It will be at 10.15 instead of 10.
• Finally, next Friday, 19 July, we say goodbye to Fr Keith and there will be a Mass of thanksgiving in St Osmund’s at 7pm followed by a reception in the Parish Rooms.



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