Holy Redeemer notices for 16 November

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

This evening there is a retiring collection for SCORE overseas projects. SCORE receives many requests to support education and health projects in poor areas around the world. They are always very grateful for your support. Please be as generous as possible.
Next Wednesday, 20 November, the Holy Redeemer meeting takes place in the hall. It starts at 7pm. This is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Copies of the agenda can be found at the back of the church.
The Holy Redeemer collection of toiletries for Alabaré will continue until the end of the month. Items can be placed in the box at the back. They will be delivered to Alabaré Place in time for Christmas. Our next collection for the Trussell Trust will be in anuary.
Final call for the Christmas supper on Saturday 7 December. The list can be found in the porch.


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