Holy Redeemer notices for 19 January

1.This evening there is a collection for SCORE overseas projects.
SCORE stands for Salisbury Catholic Outreach and is one of the ways we carry out God’s work in our local and world communities.
At the heart of projects supported by SCORE is the relief of poverty.
After the last SCORE meeting there was very little money left in the kitty. So please be as generous as possible tonight.

2. We need more Ministers of the Eucharist to serve at the Saturday evening Mass here at Holy Redeemer. If you are already a eucharistic minister, and would be willing to take part in this service, please see Deacon Steve or one of the sacristans or welcomers.

3. Finally, a reminder that the collection for the Food Bank ends next week. Instant coffee and instant mash are the items particularly needed at the moment.


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