Holy Redeemer notices for 4 May

Holy Redeemer 3800.411

 This month we are collecting long life fruit juice for the Trussell Trust. You can put any contributions in the box on the table at the back.

 Next Wednesday church cleaning takes place here before Mass. Please come any time after 9 to lend a hand. Mass will be followed by tea and coffee as usual.

 Next Saturday the Quiz and Fish and Chip supper will be held in the hall after Mass. A reminder to ticket holders to bring your own drink if you want something other than water.

 Finally, you are invited to attend the special SCORE meeting on Monday 13 May. This will be held at 7.30 in St Gregory’s Hall. There will be 3 presentations from charities which received funds from SCORE last year. This is an opportunity to see how your generous donations benefit some of the poorer people in the world and in our own city.


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