Mass with the Sacrament of the Sick

On Saturday 16 June, we celebrated our Annual Mass with the Sacrament of the Sick.  This Mass is a wonderful opportunity for our housebound parishioners and those with limited mobility to gather with us for Mass and to receive the Sacrament of the Sick if wished.  Afterwards we all enjoy lunch together and take time to socialise and catch up with fellow parishioners. 

It was wonderful to see so many parishioners from all our churches working together to make the event a great success once again. 

Mass was concelebrated by Canon Michael, Fr Saji, Fr Jarek and Fr Anthony Paris from Christ the King, Amesbury.  As always, Jenny and Howard did an amazing job of setting up the main room in St Elizabeth Hall and organising everything needed for Mass and lunch afterwards.  The room looked especially beautiful this year thanks to Jan and her wonderful floral arrangements.   A team of parishioners, led by Lilian and Josephine organised, prepared and served a delicious hot meal and transport was provided by volunteers from all three churches.  Our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion ensured that everyone was invited and many attended with those to whom they regularly take communion.  Gwynne and Katharine led the music on piano and flute respectively helping to make the Mass a joyful and uplifting occasion for all present.   

During the Mass, Canon Michael spoke to those present about the importance of their role in our ‘Year of Mission’, reminding everyone that the ministry of prayer is the ‘powerhouse’ behind all our efforts without which our toil would be in vain and appealing to all to keep praying for the success of the mission of our churches.  The service sheet for the Mass can be downloaded here.  

Thanks to everyone who helped to make the occasion such a success.  Please keep our elderly and housebound parishioners in your prayers.  

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