Passion Sunday Download 2
All of us have probably experienced roller coaster days which can cause us to go from a state of great joy into one of despair. As we recall the events of Jesus entering Jerusalem and all that followed on from that euphoric entry, we are invited into the suffering and death of Jesus, to focus on an experience which Jesus freely participated in. This does not mean that it was easy. Suffering by its very nature is painful, whether it be emotional, psychological or physical.  One week on from today we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus but during the week ahead we remember that Jesus continues to suffer in his body, that is in the people who are suffering today, victims of abuse, of injustice, of betrayal and of persecution. As we reflect on this let us pray for these victims that, they too, will rise with the Lord. 
Easter Sunday

The joy of Easter is like an explosion of love bursting into our lives. The light of Christ is a light so bright that it transforms our lives. We have journeyed through Lent and through Christ’s passion and death. Now we can rejoice, knowing that his death is not the end. Faith and hope are the great gifts of Easter which we are called to share with one another and with the world. The light we have received is a light for all. It is not for us to keep but to take to the far corners of our society where darkness may prevail amongst the lost and the forsaken. Faith lived amongst the poor and the marginalised is a transforming faith. It is the light for those who live in darkness and despair. Like the disciples we are called to run from the darkness of the tomb and proclaim to the world: Christ is Risen, Alleluia, alleluia! 
Second Sunday of Easter

From the joy of last week’s resurrection, fear and anxiety have taken over. The disciples huddle together not knowing what to expect now that the authorities know that Jesus has ‘disappeared’. Jesus enters, bringing peace and consolation and once more they rejoice. Then there is Thomas, poor doubting Thomas who will only believe when he can physically experience the holes in the hands and feet of Jesus. Where is the hope and faith of last week? This is a reality for many of us. We believe, we have faith and then something happens in our life and we forget or lose hope and our equilibrium is disturbed. Jesus offers us peace, the deep peace of knowing that however difficult life might be we are safe, we are loved and we will never be abandoned. 


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