Holy Eucharist

Holy Communion is the act by which we receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist.  The Eucharist is the greatest of the seven sacraments celebrated by the Catholic Church. At each Mass, the bread and wine is consecrated, and is thus transformed to become in its deepest reality the body and blood of the risen Christ. As we eat the host and drink from the chalice, we are nourished by Jesus himself.

Union with Christ in Holy Communion is the bond of charity which makes us one with our neighbour. When we grow in love for God through our union with Jesus, we also necessarily grow in love for our fellow man. If we have the right disposition, receiving the Eucharist produces changes in ourselves that we notice over time: a lessening of racial and national prejudices, of neighbourhood resentments; an increase in love, in compassion, in patience and forbearance towards others.