Following on from VE Day last week , we have short stories of three of our parishioners who served during and after the 2nd World War. For the RAF, Lou Godwin, the Army, Harry Thompson and the Navy, Tony Broughton. A little about  them can be found at:https://salisburycatholics.org/our-forces   


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Immaculate Heart of Mary

June 11, 2020

The Immaculate Heart of Mary

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June 7, 2020

Thorough preparation underway for the safe re-opening of churches on 15 June

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Bishop hopes Government “will see sense” and allow the opening of Churches soon

June 6, 2020

In an extended Pastoral Message for the feast day of St Boniface (5th June), Patron of the Diocese of Plymouth, Bishop Mark O’Toole,...Read more