Stop Religios Persecution

Our ‘Year of Prayer’ intention for November is for the persecuted church across the world. Are you aware that persecution of Christians is worsening in South & East Asia? That persecution of Christians in core Middle Eastern countries means that it may now be too late for some Middle East Christian communities to recover? That from Nigeria in West to Madagascar in the east, Christians in Africa are threatened by Islamists seeking to eliminate the Church - either by force or by dishonest means such as bribery? That around the world, Christians are a favoured target for violent militant extremists who operate without boundaries and who perceive local Christians as a legitimate alternative to a direct strike on the West? The Catholic Charity, Aid to the Church in Need are asking for our support on Red Wednesday. The idea is that we attend a Mass ‘in place of/for’ those who cannot. We will be holding a special Mass in St Osmund’s Church on this day at 19:00 to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Please put the date and time in your diary and attend if you can. There is much more information about Red Wednesday and the work of the ACN on our website at:


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