Rite of Election talk - 15 February



Sarah Adams

Director for the Department of Adult Education and Evangelisation Alexander House

The Rite of Election is a simple, joyful but also poignant celebration. It is a courageous and loving step on the part of those who feel called to become a part of the Catholic community one of faith, hope and love. Those who participate in the celebration cannot help but be delighted for these people and at the same time deeply grateful for their witness and desire. At the same time, it reminds us of the significance of the sacramental life within the Church and the fact that from the cradle to the grave we are part of something precious and beautiful.


This year's Rite of Election takes place in our Cathedral on Saturday 25th February. For many of those who attend it will be their first experience of a liturgy in the Cathedral. To support our catechumens and catechists in preparation for the Rite of Election we are holding a reflection evening on Wednesday 15th February, about this special ceremony: the Beauty of being Called by Name - the Rite of Election and why it matters to us all. If your parish has an RCIA group and will be attending the Rite of Election, do try to come to the evening which will ensure that on the day people will have a confident understanding of what happens and why it is an important step on their journey. If you do not have an RCIA group but you would like to come anyway, you will be very welcome.

We start this online Teams session at 7pm, finishing approx 8pm, the link to register can be found here:





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